I’m your designated mentor. Let’s go to lunch.
Gene Hackman's first line in The Firm was "I’m Avery Tolar, your designated mentor. Let’s go to lunch." It covers two of my favourite aspects of being involved with business - Mentoring and Lunch! I often combine the two! I have given a lot of thought to all things mentoring…
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What is your WHY and what are you going to do with it?
Sometimes when my alarm goes off, I donʼt want to get up. There are times (for instance, this morning) when I consider the schedule for the day and I think I’d much rather stay in bed. That’s going to be better than making my 7a.m. weights session. This is exacerbated…
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You Need To Reconsider Your Relationship With Your Accountant
The start of the new year is a great time to review your accountants and decide whether they have your best interests at heart. You need to ask yourself the following: Did you understand everything they explained in a satisfactory manner? Do you frequently get nasty surprises when receiving invoices?…
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Remove the negative, run towards the positive!
Let’s be honest. There are times when you have thought to yourself, “I wish things were different. I wish I was treated better. I wish that life wasn’t so soul-wrenching.” Usually in such situations, you would have noticed that a lot of negative energy has made its way into your…
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4 Ways to Ensure Your Employees Can Bring Their A – Game
When you think of an employee that isn’t performing to the level you expect, most of the time you picture a new, young and still learning staff member. Some times, however, I’ve encountered situations – as I’m sure you have – where employees with a great skill set are suddenly…
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6 Habits Successful People Have
Success is never an accident – it involves constant hard work and perseverance, and learning from failure. There are a few things most successful people do on a daily basis that can make success likely in your life. Here are six habits that I believe are a great place to…
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Happiness: how important is it in the workplace?
Happiness in everyone’s life can be defined as a different thing. In the work place it could be working with some great people and feeling appreciated or it could be as simple as the company providing great coffee. One thing is certainly true, not all of us love our jobs.…
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Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Business
As you all know, the beginning of a new financial year is a crucial time in the life cycle of a business. While you are evaluating the year that was, you are able to analyse what exactly has been achieved, what hasn’t, and what needs to be changed. Making consistent…
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Moving forward and reaching new heights
Overcoming issues in your home and work life can be difficult, especially if you are not getting the support you need to find your niche in life. You may be lucky enough to have a passion that may help you overcome the hurdles to help reach new heights. Health and…
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Finding the balance in your work life
Busy day, every day. How do you get yourself out of bed and into the right mood to face the day? Make more team for the activities and people that are important in your life. Our work life has been become more challenging, we work extra hours, we set up…
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Personal growth: to help you lead a productive and well balanced life
Once you have made the decision to do something about your personal growth and development you are one step closer to achieving your goals. So, personal growth and development is about taking a close look with the view to improve your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social and financial state. So…
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What does success mean to you?
It's about achieving one of your goals and that can be different for everybody. It can take into account your financial well being, your health, personal growth and development and staying true to you. For some people that goal is money, or a great job and for others it might…
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