
Want to connect in person with Tier One business people?
Anthony is known as “The People Connector” as he has an extensive network and knows how to connect you to the people you need to be connected with to be successful.
Anthony hosts events on a regular basis which are effectively live versions of his business. The AT Mutual Opportunities Lunch Series are not your typical mundane networking events. They are held at high quality venues, they are low on formality and provide maximum time for quality networking with the best and brightest people in business in Brisbane.
The people who attend these events have a desire to be successful (most of them already are) and will go out of their way to welcome newcomers and assist them, that’s why they’re called Mutual Opportunities Lunches.
In the years in which Anthony has hosted these events they have:
– Raised significant sums of money for various charitable organisations
– Been the meeting place for many mutually beneficial business relationships and countless successful transactions
– A great deal of fun for all involved
Get in touch with Anthony to book your ticket to the next event.